Sunday, November 16, 2008

Four Keys To Success

Hi ! It has been a long time since I last updated my blog. Been very busy at work and church. Just want to share something which I hope will help us experience success even in challenging times. Even as we go through so many challenges in life and amidst the chaos and turmoil in the world, here are 4 Keys to Success which are :
  1. People of Vision - We are to be a people of vision, God's vision - in order to be people of success. In Numbers 13, Moses sent out 12 spies to survey the Promised Land and to give a report of what they saw. 10 spies came back with a negative report, but 2 spies namely Caleb and Joshua came back with a positive report that they are well able to take the Land. We are to see with "supernatural eyes" and not with our natural eyes. We are to see what God sees. You will see what you are looking for. If it is success you look for, then success is what you will see and the opposite is also true, that is, if it is failure that you see, then failure it will be for you. Remember that God has given us His Holy Spirit, and just as Caleb and Joshua are of a "different spirit", the One in us is greater than the one who is in the world. We are a people of vision and overcomers in Him.
  2. Attitude - Our attitude determines our altitude. How high we soar or how low we sink depends a lot on our attitude towards life and people around us. When you see the right things, you believe the right things but if you are always having a negative attitude towards life, you cannot have what you hope to have. Your attitude will either push you to attain what you set out to do (just like Caleb and Joshua) or it will prohibit you (like the other 10 spies).
  3. Presence of God - In Numbers 14 : 44, the ark of covenant which represents the Presence of God continued to be at the camp of the Israelites and we read that wherever they went, the ark of covenant was carried with them. If we do not have the Presence of God in our lives, it is difficult to have success especially in our spiritual battles. No Presence = No success. In Psalm 16 : 11, David wrote : "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." David always pursued the Presence of God, whereas for us now, we have the Presence of God in us. It is either active or dormant as we at times grieved the Holy Spirit and is not even aware that He lives in us. May we always be conscious of His ever Presence in our lives.
  4. Prayer - Our most powerful weapon and key to success is prayer. When Abraham's servant was asked to look for a wife for Isaac, he prayed to God : "Give your servant success today." Whatever you do, and wherever you may be; whether in a meeting, doing a project, etc, just shoot a quick prayer up to God : "Give me success today, Abba Father".
May these 4 Keys to Success help you in your journey in life and give you peace.