For the week of March 22 - 28, 2009, the Bible reading covered Numbers 33 : 40 - Deuteronomy 10 : 22 in the Old Testament, Luke 5 : 12 - 8 : 21, Psalm 65 - 69 and Proverbs 11 : 23 - 12 : 3.
1. The verses which impacted me are :
- Luke 6 : 20 - 38
- Luke 6 : 45 "The good person out of the good tresure of his heart produces good,and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."
- Luke 8 : 5 - 15 "The Parable of the Sower".
- Deuteronomy 5 : 6 - 21 "The Ten Commandments"
- Deut 6 : 4 - 19 "The Shema"
- Psalm 68 : 19 - 20 "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death."
- Deut 8 : 18 "You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day."
- Proverbs 12 : 3 "A man cannot be established through wickedness but the righteous cannot be uprooted."
- In Numbers 35 we read that if a murder is unintentional, a person can flee to a city of refuge and receive a public trial which was held to ensure that anyone who had killed intentionally would not escape the death penalty. As long as the person stayed in the city of refuge, he was protected and when the high priest died, he was free to go home. The cities of refuge served as ancient illustrations of the Good News about Jesus. In Jesus Christ, our supreme city of refuge, we are safe forever from God's righteous judgement.
- In Deut 3 : 25, Moses pleaded with God for permission to "go over and see the good land." But this time God not only refused Moses his request but appeared annoyed with him in verse 26 : "That is enough...Do Not speak to me anymore about this matter." While voicingour requests and concerns to God is crtically important, God will sometimes say no, just as He dis to Moses.
- The Shema, meaning "hear" in Deut 6 : 4 - 5 emphasises God's unity. This passage states that there can be only one all-powerful, infinite, limitless and perfect God. Because God has revealed Himself to us, we are able to identify the God of the Bible as that one true God. Christians believe that God is a tri-unity or Trinity - One being expressed in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
- Luke 5 : 11 illustrates the power of "pull" from our Saviour to follow Him. Following Jesus implies total abandonment to Him. True disciples turn their backs on all the encumbrances and earthly baggage that might pull them back or slow them down.
- Luke 6 : 31 has become known as the Goden Rule through the years i.e. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Jesus is revolutionary even in His time.
- Psalm 68 speaks of our Triumphant Lord. Life does not have to defeat us. The God of the universe will, through his precious Son Jesus, scatters his enemies.
- Psalm 69 is most frequently quoted in connection to the ministry and suffering of Jesus. Because Jesus suffered insult, betrayal and unspeakable anguish of body and spirit, he knows how we feel when we grow weary and bruised from life's blows.
3. How I have been inspired by this week's reading
- I thank Jesus that He is a "city of refuge for me". I can go to spend time alone with Him in total safety and security.
- When God says "No", He has every right to do so and He always have our best interest in mind. Looking back, I can see evidence of God's gentle hand nudging me in a different direction.
- I thank God that in the New Covenant, He has written His laws in our hearts and our minds and given us His Spirit.
- Reading Duet helped me to ask before making any significant decisions : "What would Jesus do ?"
- The chapter in Luke on "Following Jesus" inspired me to follow Him in total abandonment.
- Reading Psalm 68 helps me reflect on specific accounts where Jesus led me through "spritual wastelands" back to His living waters.
4. My Application
To put into practice what I have been inpired by as in 3 above. So help me God ! Amen !