Saturday, May 31, 2008

Looks "Familiar" ?

My children are waiting in anticipation for the screening of "Kung Fu Panda" ! (P.S. Actually, I am too, hee..hee...;-)). Well, for one this Panda looks, in terms of size, like me; which means I am grossly overweight. Would you believe that I had six packs, could fit into a size 29 pants but all that has changed now. Thanks to the glorious food that my mum cooks and the courting years, I really have put on the pounds. You see, I date my girlfirend (my wife now) and we will have dinner or supper and when I reach home, my mum's glorious food will be there waiting for me and down it goes to my tummy. Time for some serious "kung fu fighting" to lose them pounds. Any suggestions to shed those "excess" ?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why "TigerJeff" ?

Someone asked me why I used "TigerJeff" as the preferred name in my blog ? Well, there are many reasons for this. For one, Jeffrey is a common name and to my surprise there are also many Jeffrey Chua's around. So, since I am born in the year of the Tiger under the Chinese Lunar Calendar and works in the "Tiger" Bank i.e. Maybank, it was quite an appropriate choice, don't you think so ?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Last Singing Stint

The last time I sang in church was for Mother's Day when I sang a very old song "You Light Up My Life" written by Debbie Boone. The last time I sang this song was when I was in Sunday School (Jalan Imbi Chapel) at the now demolished Bukit Bintang Girls' School Hall ! Even after singing this song in church, there were both rave reviews as well as sinister comments. There was one lady who commented : "The song that you sang, it is a "worldly" song ?". I knew where she was coming from but then again I replied : "It is a "wordly" song written by a "Godly" woman." This episode goes to show that in this world there are legalistic people who feels that we must dress a certain way, sing certain songs, see only certain movies so that others will know that you are a Christian. I think God looks not on the outside but more of what is in us and our motives for doing what we do. I still "love" this sister and was not angry at all by her comments as that is her view. That is what my blog is all about : to share views and thoughts on any topic there is. So keep those postings/comments coming. See ya !