Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Last Singing Stint

The last time I sang in church was for Mother's Day when I sang a very old song "You Light Up My Life" written by Debbie Boone. The last time I sang this song was when I was in Sunday School (Jalan Imbi Chapel) at the now demolished Bukit Bintang Girls' School Hall ! Even after singing this song in church, there were both rave reviews as well as sinister comments. There was one lady who commented : "The song that you sang, it is a "worldly" song ?". I knew where she was coming from but then again I replied : "It is a "wordly" song written by a "Godly" woman." This episode goes to show that in this world there are legalistic people who feels that we must dress a certain way, sing certain songs, see only certain movies so that others will know that you are a Christian. I think God looks not on the outside but more of what is in us and our motives for doing what we do. I still "love" this sister and was not angry at all by her comments as that is her view. That is what my blog is all about : to share views and thoughts on any topic there is. So keep those postings/comments coming. See ya !

1 comment:

Chandran said...

Great job....keep it up!