Monday, September 15, 2008

A Little Concern

There is an air of expectation in the political environment in our land. It is as though the whole nation is holding its breath to see what happens tomorrow. Some are a little concerned as to whether the change, if it does happen, would be good, smooth sailing and incident free. Others, to be on the safe side, are stocking up. Whatever it is, tomorrow may just be a non-event i.e. "business as usual".

However, that is the name of the game. The saying goes : "It's always darkest before the dawn". I sense that we at at the threshold of a new era. An era where we will be one step closer to realising the dream of a truly Bangsa Malaysia. We may be a little concerned while others have much to be concerned about because it affects their "rice bowl" and "golden goose"

The future can be a scary place. The unknown can be overwhelming, especially when the known has so many struggles. Nevertheless, as God-fearing Christians, we can depend on God's promise of help - regardless of what trouble the world will be in. God said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13 : 5). And Jesus said, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28 : 20). Those are great promises to depend on when we start to worry about what the future holds, whether it is ours or the next generation's.

We may not know who will be the next PM yet, or what the future holds but we can trust in the One who holds the future. Peace to all !

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